The next chapter in the EIDXG journey
Thank you for joining us on our 2024 trip to Lesotho.

Meet the Team

We begin traveling on March 19th 10am from Dublin, Ireland expecting to arrive in Lesotho by 6pm on March 20th. Station build will begin at 1st light on the 21st until March 30th .
Operations will be on 160, 80,60,40,30,20, 17, 15,12,10 & 6m
Modes CW, SSB, RTTY & FT8/4 (using MSHV not F&H)
QTH will be the Molengoane Lodge, Grid square KG30vo.
QSL via M0OXO OQRS. Logs will be uploaded to clublog daily.
Do not contact the team directly re logs,

VOACAP: 7P8EI Lesotho
Short-path and long-path point-to-point HF propagation predictions from your QTH to Lesotho.